Howdy! 👋
We are Jessica and Bryan, the founders of RYSE.
We are based in Nashville, Tennessee where we started RYSE during the winter of 2020. What started as a fun side project to address some challenges Jessica was facing as a first time competitive bodybuilder eventually evolved into a passion project for both of us.
Initially, RYSE was built as a way to keep track of various measurements and check in messages with Jessica’s coach. After a weekend camping trip with friends - we spent time reflecting on how much our lives had been positively impacted since making fitness and nutrition a core part of our lifestyle. These thoughts led to expanding the initial feature set beyond just a client/coach check in app for bodybuilders and more geared towards normal people that just wanted to work towards a healthier lifestyle.
During the initial wave of quarantine in 2020, both of us spent a lot of time reflecting on the importance of community and just how impactful a strong support system is for every aspect of our lives. We also thought about our careers and skill sets and what we were contributing to the world as software engineers working for a large technology company.
Call it crazy, passion, or a little bit of both, it led us to both quit our corporate engineering jobs April 2021 to pursue launching and building RYSE full time.
RYSE is 100% free, ad-free, and subscription free and is 100% self funded. Aka we are getting paid 0 dollars and funding this entire startup out of our own pockets - so yeah, maybe we are a little crazy! 😅
Anyways, we are excited to share our passion and journey with you and the RYSE community. Thank you for being a part of it as we build, make mistakes, learn, and grow together!
❤️ Jessica + Bryan
If you think our vision for RYSE is cool and would like to help support, snag some merch from our shop or make a donation! Bootstrapping is hard ngl, so your contribution will make a HUGE impact to our AWS bills & to our hearts ♥️
Email: hello@ryseapp.io
follow us
(I also share behind the scenes stuff about RYSE on tiktok if you wanna check that out too! Follow @jess.cawood)