Archer Pull Up

Archer Pull Up: A Challenging Variation for Upper Body Strength


The Archer Pull Up is an advanced variation of the traditional pull up, designed to challenge your upper body strength and improve muscle symmetry. This exercise emphasizes one arm while engaging the back, shoulders, and arm muscles of the other arm, requiring and building significant upper body control and unilateral strength.

How to do Archer Pull Up

  1. Grip the Bar: Hang from a pull-up bar with a wide overhand grip, much wider than shoulder width.

  2. Starting Position: Start by hanging with your arms fully extended, your feet off the ground, and your body straight.

  3. Pull Up: Pull yourself up towards one hand while keeping the other arm straight, as if drawing a bow. Aim to get your chin above the bar.

  4. Focus on One Side: Concentrate on using the arm closest to the bar to do most of the work.

  5. Return to Start: Lower yourself back to the starting position in a controlled manner.

  6. Alternate Sides: Repeat the movement, this time pulling yourself towards the opposite hand.

  7. Repetitions: Aim for 3-5 repetitions on each side per set, depending on your fitness level.

Form Tips

  • Keep Core Engaged: Engage your core throughout the exercise to maintain body stability.
  • Controlled Motion: Perform the pull-ups slowly and with control, avoiding any swinging or jerking movements.
  • Even Distribution: Try to distribute your weight evenly as you pull up to one side.
  • Breathing: Breathe out as you pull yourself up and breathe in as you lower yourself down.
  • Progress Gradually: Start with standard pull-ups and gradually progress to archer pull-ups as you build strength.

Targeted Muscles

  • Primary Muscles:

    • Latissimus Dorsi (Lats): The main muscles targeted, located in the mid to lower back.
    • Biceps: Heavily engaged, particularly in the arm that's pulling closer to the body.
  • Secondary Muscles:

    • Deltoids: Shoulder muscles, especially the rear deltoids.
    • Trapezius and Rhomboids: Upper back muscles that assist in the movement.
    • Forearm Muscles: Essential for grip strength and control.

Archer Pull Ups are an excellent exercise for those looking to increase upper body strength and develop muscular symmetry. This exercise is challenging and should be approached with caution, especially by those new to pull-up variations. Regular practice can lead to significant improvements in grip strength, arm strength, and overall upper body muscular development.

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Jessica Wood - Cofounder of RYSE

Nashvillian. Ex-Principal Software Engineer. Bodybuilder.

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