Back Extension on Exercise Ball

Back Extension on Exercise Ball: Enhancing Core and Lower Back Strength


The Back Extension on an Exercise Ball (Stability Ball) is a functional exercise that enhances the strength and stability of the lower back and core muscles. This exercise is performed using a stability ball, making it an effective tool for improving balance, coordination, and overall spinal health. It targets the erector spinae muscles in the lower back while engaging the core and glutes for support.

How to do Back Extension on Exercise Ball

  1. Setup: Choose a stability ball that allows your feet to touch the ground comfortably when you lie on it.

  2. Starting Position: Lie face down on the exercise ball, positioning it under your hips and lower torso. Place your feet firmly against the floor or a stable surface, and cross your arms over your chest or place them behind your head.

  3. Execution: Engage your core and lift your upper body until it is in line with your legs. Keep your head and neck neutral, in line with your spine.

  4. Peak Contraction: Pause at the top of the movement, squeezing your lower back muscles.

  5. Return Phase: Slowly lower your upper body back down to the starting position.

  6. Repetitions: Perform 10-12 repetitions, aiming for 2-3 sets.

Form Tips

  • Maintain a Neutral Spine: Avoid hyperextending your back. Keep your movements smooth and controlled.
  • Stable Positioning: Ensure your feet are securely planted and the ball is stable before beginning the exercise.
  • Controlled Motion: Perform the exercise in a controlled manner, focusing on the movement of your lower back.
  • Breath Control: Exhale as you lift your torso and inhale as you lower back down.
  • Engage Your Glutes: Contract your glutes as you lift your torso to provide additional stability and support.

Targeted Muscles

  • Primary Muscles:

    • Erector Spinae: The primary focus is on the muscles running along the spine in the lower back.
  • Secondary Muscles:

    • Core Muscles: Including the abdominals, which help stabilize the body during the exercise.
    • Glutes: These muscles are engaged to assist in the lifting phase and provide stability.

Back Extension on an Exercise Ball is a versatile exercise that can benefit individuals looking to enhance their core strength, improve lower back resilience, and increase overall body stability. It's especially useful for those seeking a low-impact exercise that can be easily adjusted to different fitness levels. By maintaining proper form and focusing on controlled movements, this exercise can be a key component in strengthening the lower back and core muscles.

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Jessica Wood - Cofounder of RYSE

Nashvillian. Ex-Principal Software Engineer. Bodybuilder.

Back Extension Machine


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