Barbell One Arm Single Deadlift

Barbell One Arm Single Deadlift

The Barbell One Arm Single Deadlift is a unilateral exercise that focuses on strengthening the muscles on one side of the body at a time. This exercise enhances balance, coordination, and targets the muscles involved in a traditional deadlift with an added focus on stabilizing muscles.

How to do Barbell One Arm Single Deadlift

  1. Set Up: Place a barbell on the ground. Stand alongside the barbell, feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Grip the Barbell: Bend at the hips and knees, and grip the middle of the barbell with one hand. Your palm should face inwards towards your body.
  3. Lift the Barbell: Engage your core, keep your back straight, and lift the barbell by extending your hips and knees. The barbell should be parallel to the ground.
  4. Return to Start: Lower the barbell back to the ground in a controlled manner, maintaining balance and stability.

Form Tips

  • Maintain Balance: Focus on keeping the barbell stable throughout the lift. This exercise requires more balance than a traditional deadlift.
  • Neutral Spine: Keep your back straight and avoid twisting your torso.
  • Engage Your Core: Keep your core muscles tight to help with balance and protect your lower back.
  • Even Distribution of Weight: Keep your weight evenly distributed across both feet throughout the exercise.

Primary Muscles Targeted

  • Hamstrings and Glutes: These muscles are primarily engaged when lifting the barbell.
  • Lower Back (Erector Spinae): Works to keep the spine straight and stable during the lift.
  • Forearms: The gripping hand’s forearm muscles are heavily engaged.

Secondary Muscles Targeted

  • Core Muscles: Abdominals and obliques are activated to maintain stability and balance.
  • Quadriceps: Involved in the leg extension aspect of the lift.
  • Upper Back and Shoulders: Stabilize the body, especially on the lifting side.
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Jessica Wood - Cofounder of RYSE

Nashvillian. Ex-Principal Software Engineer. Bodybuilder.

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