Bent Over Barbell Row

Bent Over Barbell Row

The bent over barbell row is a fundamental strength-building exercise that effectively targets the muscles of the upper and middle back. This exercise not only helps in building a strong back but also aids in improving overall posture and upper body strength.

How to do Bent Over Barbell Row

  1. Start with Proper Stance: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. Hold a barbell with an overhand grip, hands a bit wider than shoulder-width.
  2. Hinge at the Hips: Bend forward at your hips, keeping your back straight. Continue bending until your torso is about parallel to the floor. The barbell should hang directly in front of you.
  3. Row the Weight: Pull the barbell upwards towards your lower chest or upper abdomen, keeping your elbows close to your body and squeezing your shoulder blades together at the top of the movement.
  4. Controlled Descent: Lower the barbell slowly back to the starting position, fully extending your arms.

Form Tips

  • Maintain a Neutral Spine: Avoid rounding your back. Keep your spine in a neutral position throughout the exercise.
  • Elbow Movement: Your elbows should go straight back, not out to the sides.
  • Avoid Momentum: Focus on using your back muscles to lift the weight, rather than swinging or using momentum.
  • Head and Neck Position: Keep your neck in line with your spine; avoid looking up or tucking your chin excessively.

Primary Muscles Targeted

  • Latissimus Dorsi (Lats): The primary muscle group worked, especially when pulling the elbows close to your sides.
  • Middle and Upper Back (Trapezius and Rhomboids): Engaged as you squeeze your shoulder blades together.
  • Rear Deltoids: Involved in the rowing motion, especially as you pull the bar towards your chest.

Secondary Muscles Targeted

  • Biceps: Active during the pulling phase.
  • Forearms: Used for maintaining a firm grip on the barbell.
  • Lower Back (Erector Spinae): Works to keep your spine neutral and stable during the exercise.
  • Core: The abdominal and oblique muscles are engaged to stabilize your body throughout the movement.
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Jessica Wood - Cofounder of RYSE

Nashvillian. Ex-Principal Software Engineer. Bodybuilder.

Bent Over Row Resistance Band


Bent Over Row with Bar