High Knees: Boost Your Cardiovascular Fitness

The High Knees exercise is a dynamic cardio movement that not only elevates your heart rate but also strengthens the lower body and improves coordination. It's a versatile exercise that can be performed anywhere, making it a great addition to your warm-up or high-intensity interval training (HIIT) routine.

How to do High Knees

  1. Starting Position:

    • Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
    • Engage your core and keep your back straight.
  2. Performing the Movement:

    • Begin by jogging in place, lifting your knees as high as possible toward your chest.
    • Alternate lifting your knees, driving them upward with a quick and controlled motion.
    • Swing your arms naturally at your sides, or hold them out in front of you at hip height to tap your knees for an additional challenge.
  3. Repetitions and Duration:

    • Perform high knees for 30 seconds to 1 minute as part of a cardio circuit or warm-up routine.

Form Tips

  • Core Engagement: Keep your core tight to stabilize your body and improve balance.
  • Quick and Controlled: Move your knees quickly but with control to maintain proper form and avoid injury.
  • Stay on the Balls of Your Feet: Keep your weight on the balls of your feet to maintain a light and quick motion.
  • Breathing: Maintain steady breathing throughout the exercise to keep your energy levels high.

Targeted Muscles

Primary Muscles:

  • Quadriceps (Front thighs)
  • Hip Flexors

Secondary Muscles:

  • Calves (Lower legs)
  • Glutes (Buttocks)
  • Core (Abdominals and lower back)

The High Knees exercise is a powerful way to enhance cardiovascular fitness while also strengthening the lower body. By focusing on proper form and incorporating this exercise into your routine, you can achieve better endurance, agility, and overall fitness.

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Jessica Wood - Cofounder of RYSE

Nashvillian. Ex-Principal Software Engineer. Bodybuilder.


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