Mountain Climbers

Mountain Climbers

Mountain climbers are a dynamic, full-body exercise that combines cardiovascular conditioning with core strength. This exercise is excellent for burning calories, improving agility, and building overall endurance.

How to do Mountain Climbers

  1. Start Position: Begin in a high plank position with your hands directly under your shoulders and your body forming a straight line from head to heels.

  2. Drive Your Knees: Quickly drive your right knee towards your chest, then extend it back to the starting position. Immediately switch and bring your left knee towards your chest.

  3. Alternate Legs: Continue alternating legs in a running motion, maintaining a steady pace. Keep your core engaged throughout the movement.

  4. Maintain Form: Ensure your hips stay level and your body remains in a straight line as you perform the exercise.

  5. Repeat: Continue for the desired amount of time or number of repetitions, keeping your movements quick and controlled.

Form Tips

  • Keep Hips Low: Avoid raising your hips too high as you move your legs. Keeping your hips low helps maintain proper form and maximizes core engagement.

  • Engage Core: Keep your core tight to stabilize your body and prevent your lower back from sagging.

  • Steady Breathing: Focus on maintaining a steady breathing pattern to sustain your energy during this high-intensity exercise.

  • Smooth Transitions: Aim for quick and smooth transitions between legs, minimizing any pause in the movement.

Targeted Muscles

  • Primary Muscles: Core, hip flexors, quadriceps.
  • Secondary Muscles: Shoulders, chest, triceps.

Mountain climbers are a versatile and effective exercise that can be used in various workouts to improve both cardiovascular fitness and core strength. Incorporating this exercise into your routine will help enhance endurance, agility, and overall body conditioning.

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Jessica Wood - Cofounder of RYSE

Nashvillian. Ex-Principal Software Engineer. Bodybuilder.

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