Donkey Kicks

Donkey Kicks

Donkey kicks are a simple yet effective exercise that targets the glutes and helps improve lower body strength and stability. It’s perfect for home workouts as it requires no equipment.

How to do Donkey Kicks

  1. Start on all fours, with your wrists aligned under your shoulders and knees under your hips.
  2. Keeping your knee bent at 90 degrees, lift your right leg up towards the ceiling, squeezing your glute at the top of the movement.
  3. Lower your leg back down to the starting position without touching the floor.
  4. Repeat for the desired reps, then switch legs.

Form Tips

  • Keep your back flat and core engaged throughout the exercise.
  • Avoid arching your lower back as you lift your leg.
  • Focus on slow, controlled movements to maximize glute engagement.
  • Make sure your hips remain stable and squared to the floor.

Primary Muscles Targeted

  • Glutes

Secondary Muscles Targeted

  • Hamstrings
  • Core
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Jessica Wood - Cofounder of RYSE

Nashvillian. Ex-Principal Software Engineer. Bodybuilder.

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