How To Auto-Update / Push Updates From Workout To Routine / Template

If you are logging a workout from one of your custom routine (template) and you make any changes to the workout ex: adding / removing exercises, modifying sets / reps, reordering / replacing exercises, etc You can choose to push those updates to the routine or leave the routine as it is.

How To Push Updates To Workout Routine (Template)

In the Workout Overview section the option to push updates to the routine is displayed.

  • Toggled off by default (any updates will NOT be pushed to the original routine)

  • Toggle on to view additional options

  • Update routine & values will update the custom routine with any changes that you made to the exercises, ordering, sets/reps/weights.

  • Update values only will only update the custom routine with changes made to the sets/reps/weights

  • Toggle off Push updates to routine if you don’t want to do either of these

Why would you push updates to a custom workout routine (template)

Imagine you are using a custom routine that has Dumbbell Bicep Curls in it. The gym is busy and all of the dumbbells are taken, so you decide to replace Dumbbell Bicep Curls with Cable Bicep Curls. You decide you enjoy using the cable more and you want the routine you used to now have Cable Bicep Curls instead so you don’t have to replace it the next time you use the routine in the future. Automatically update the workout routine by toggling on the Push updates to routine and select the option to Update routine & values.
Ta-da! Now you don’t have to remember to edit the custom workout routine later.

Jessica Wood - Cofounder of RYSE

Nashvillian. Ex-Principal Software Engineer. Bodybuilder.

Archive Custom Workout Routines


How Do I Adjust the Date of a Workout / Log a Past Workout?