How To Create A Custom Set Type

Sets in RYSE can be (optionally) tagged as different Set Types such as: Warm-up, Drop Set, Failure, etc. We have 14 different exercise set types you can choose from; however, we realize there are many other types you may want to note on your workout log. To accommodate all of the possibilities, users can create 10 Custom Set Types.

Create a Custom Set Type

You can create a custom set type while you are logging a workout or from the main menu options.

To create a custom set type while you are logging a workout, tap the set number or slide the set right to open the options. Tap Change set type.

From the set type list, select the first option Manage custom set types. Your list of custom set types will be displayed along with a Create new custom set type button. Tap to create a new set type.

Give your new set type a short name. It will automatically generate a short tag to display on your post based on the name you choose.

Your new custom set type is ready to use! Select it from the set type list and it will be displayed on your exercise set log.

Manage Custom Set Types

Create or delete your custom set types from the Main menu > Training > Custom set types.

From here you can create new custom set types or you can swipe left to delete them.

Jessica Wood - Cofounder of RYSE

Nashvillian. Ex-Principal Software Engineer. Bodybuilder.

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