Rep Max Calculator

The Rep Max Calculator is based on the Brzycki formula for calculating 1RM. The 1RM (One Rep Max) is an estimation of the max weight you can lift for a single rep for a given exercise. Never, under any circumstance should you attempt a one rep max alone. We would recommend taking two spotters (one for each side of the bar) at least. Safety should be kept in mind at all times.

Many trainers and coaches will use percentages based off of your 1RM for an exercise in order to determine how much weight you should use.

We added the Rep Max Calculator to help you figure out these percentages on the fly.

How To use The Rep Max Calculator

While you are logging a workout, you can access the calculator in the exercise details drawer behind the exercise log.

  • The calculator will be prepopulated with the weight/reps corresponding to your 1RM if you have logged the exercise in RYSE before

  • You can enter the weight/reps corresponding to your 1RM in the input boxes

  • The estimated 1RM will be displayed along with the commonly used percentages

  • If the desired percentage is not listed, you can enter your own at the bottom to see the desired value

Jessica Wood - Cofounder of RYSE

Nashvillian. Ex-Principal Software Engineer. Bodybuilder.

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